Monday, March 31, 2008

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the main energy centers down the midline of the human body. Each chakra is an 'energy point' and all are connected. Visualize them as 'spinning wheels of energy' at specific points of the body. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel '.

There are seven primary chakras. They include the root chakra, sexual chakra, solar plexus chakra, the heart, throat, third eye and the crown chakra.

If you can imagine the main chakras or energy centers as a set wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each wheel needs to move smoothly and at a similar speed for the clock or engine to work properly.

The lower chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus) correspond to our physical body and our “lower impulses” while the upper chakras (throat, brow, and crown) relate to communication, vision and foresight, our intuition, and the connection with spirituality and divinity. The heart chakra is the symbolic bridge between the two. Many people develop a strong disconnect around the heart and solar plexus as the emerge into adult hood. (protecting themselves --therefore setting up an energy block)


Sheta said...

Interesting blog. I look forward to seeing how it progresses.

Will you be going beyond the basics? I have done energy work for a long time. I'm interested in the nadis and the secondary effects of kundalini energy. :)

- Sheta

TPG said...

Yes, I'll be going fairly deep---just easing in here slowly. Thanks for stopping by!